Sunday, July 6, 2008

I Blame Amanda Peet

I blame Amanda Peet
for making it obvious.

You know how if you
get to a movie early
that the theater tries
to occupy your time
with a bunch of random
trivia? Apparently,
Amanda Peet thinks
you need to fall in love
a little bit with your

Well, thank you Amanda Peet.
Because that's the card
I've been playing at work,
too, not so much because
I want to fall in love
with every girl I see,
but that it seems to make
things easier, if that makes
any sense, a sense of security,
of a bond I can count on
to build from, if they let me.
Then again, I usually screw it
up, they catch on, or I settle
on the one I think I'm most
compatible with, fall in love
for real, and they aren't at all
available, because shoot, you're
at work, dick head, some place
people go to earn money, not
to fall in love. It's the only
place I know of where people
will find out a sliver of
what I can be.

Thank you, Amanda Peet!
It's a game I can't help
playing, even though it always
fucks me over. And you had to
go and say it first. Thanks!

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