Friday, July 18, 2008


It's that number
Sadie seems to favor,
don't know why,
it's just something
I noticed, at least
from those she could
choose from with
the radios. I started
picking it, too,
when she wasn't
working. I guess
she had to notice.

Now that things
are winding down,
I am forced to
realize I should
have been happy to
see her happy,
because even before
I came around, she was,
even when I said
"I hate Steve"
without knowing him,
or her, at the time.

She seemed to become
happy to be around me,
and I let that play
with my other thoughts,
and I really shouldn't
have, because it was
just work, not her
real life, she never
really needed me, right?
I was just a clown,
and I think she
was amused, so she
humored me.

Two weeks to go,
it seems, and things
must end like this.
I'm happy that she's
happy, and am now
willing to leave it
like that. She seems
like she definitely
deserves that sort
of thing, and she
never needed me to
start mucking around
with it, and here it
took me all this time
to realize that.

I suppose I'm sorry
for that, too. Today,
I took the eleventh radio
again, and it might be
for the last time, just so
she knows. Sadie,
that was your number,
for whatever reason,
and it will be one
more thing you take
with you.

I can live with that.

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