Wednesday, March 26, 2008


with apologies
to Peter Ackroyd,
is the mess
we're all
in the midst of.

is a new way
of saying
what everyone
should already
know, that we're
a little screwed up
at the moment,
a little ahead
of ourselves,
and frightened
by a past
we know
all too well
but haven't
truly learned
from, a past
we'd rather
use to our
benefit, in
one way or
another, as
scare tactics,
as a rallying
point "for
things we haven't
learned," as
that we somehow
were always right
even when we
were wrong,
what have you,
an age that
constantly looks
to the future
and wonders why
it's not what
we dream it
to be, as we look
at Arab culture
and remark how
it regresses
and pride ourselves
that we don't,
even though that
is the increasing
threat, an age
where the present
only laments itself,
an age that no longer
respects itself,
a real shame
of a thing, a wobbly
little ship
awash somewhere,
but maybe not
in the water,
not exactly
you see.

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