Sunday, March 23, 2008

In Memory of That Fish I Had For Breakfast

I despise the fact
that most of the books,
and I'm not talking
fiction alone, in
a bookstore today
should never have
been written, but were
just because so many
people want to be seen
as clever, when they
aren't and are only
made up to be, to make
a quick buck while
literature still remains
a viable option for
cheating at a living.

The thing is, because
the youth culture
is so enamored of
getting their entertainment
for free, this is simply
not going to be the case
for much longer. It'll
probably screw me, too,
but I blame the fakers
first, and the ship jumpers
only after them.

You can't rush the future
but you can definitely
screw your way to it.

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