Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wheel C

You know when you want
to hate someone and
then you actually meet
them and you figure
you won't be able to?
Driver 8 had a problem
like that, until he
took control of Wheel C,
a wicked new ride he found
down in the drain slabs
by the roads, where he was
exploring for a considerable
amount of time last week,
for no other reason than
he felt compelled to,
well into the night when
he ordinarily would have
checked in some time ago.

Driver 8 took a break
and found Wheel C by accident,
a kind of fortuitous
occurrence that involved
an epic battle with himself
and the rest of the world,
instigated by the sudden
disappearance of a girl
involved in another ongoing
struggle, another no other
person could comprehend,
so how could he discuss it?
He was told that it was pretty
common for those in his condition
to feel isolated, but Driver 8
stands by his statement that
he is unique, that his condition
like others similar to him,
cannot be duplicated much less
successfully solved, except
with respites such as Wheel C,
which directs everyone
past the construction that
is always going on and
will probably not be finished
on time.

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