Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Grant Me...

Grant me the ability
to see past the things
that sometimes cloud
my vision. It's funny,
because, generally
speaking, I have bad
vision, which would
make a perfect metaphor
if you wanted to be
easy about it. I
just don't, I guess.
I have this terrible
problem with Buddhism,
which is a philosophy
that theoretically
I should embrace,
because it's really
not that different
from what I think,
but it happens to be
human nature to look
at similarities as
not good enough,
relatable but still
too close to different
for us to feel comfortable,
and that's pretty much
human history summed up.

Grant me the ability
to see past my foibles
and remember my strengths,
because the two are too
similar for me to sometimes
tell them apart, and they
work too well together
for me to accurately
predict the future,
which is something people
who think too much
are always trying to do.

Also, grant me the ability
to accept that there are
some things in my control,
some things that are not,
but that in the middle
and between and all around
them, including them,
that are both and neither at all.

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