Sunday, April 27, 2008

Gonna Tell Everyone To Lighten Up

I think another problem
most people have is that
they just don't know
when to be serious.
They have all their
priorities in the wrong
places; they're more
grave than gravy,
and it drives me nuts.
It's a matter of
personal responsibility,
which completely
misunderstood: to accept
that there are
things you must do,
matters of politeness
you can call them,
that are more likely
considered insignificant
because for most parents,
they indulged all the wrong
impulses, encouraging
independence at the expense
of assuming the need
to control your environment,
your role among roles,
among others, among things.
It's a story of stuff,
but not the things people
superstitiously believe
despite all reason,
a lack of historical sense,
railing at the wrong ends,
rather of what is truly

And that, my dear,
is the funniest joke
of them all. If people
could just accept
that they could take things
seriously and still be
a ridiculous twit,
if that suited them,
things could be better after all.

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